Mor gu, O! Arglwydd, genyf fi, Dy ddeddf di a'th gyfammod; Ac ar y rhai'n, o ddydd i ddydd, Y bydd fy holl fyfyrdod. Gwnaethost fi, â'th orch'mynion iach, Yn ddoethach na'm gelynion; Can's gyd â mi yn dragywydd, Y bydd dy holl orch'mynion. Ni chiliais rhag dy farnau di, Can's ti a'm dysgaist ynddynt; Mor beraidd genyf d'eiriau iach, Na'r mêl melusach ydynt. Dy air i'm traed i llusern yw, A llewyrch gwiw i'm llwybrau; Mi dyngais, a chyflawni wnaf, Y cadwaf dy lân ddeddfau. Cym'rais yn etifeddiaeth lân Byth weithian dy orch'mynion, O herwydd mai hwynthwy y sydd Lawenydd i fy nghalon. Llewyrcha'th wyneb ar dy was, Dysg i mi flâs dy ddeddfau; Dagrau o'm llygaid llifo wnant, Na's cadwant dy gyfreithiau. Llefais â'm calon oll, O! clyw, A'th ddeddfau, Duw, a gadwaf; Arnat y llefais, achub fi, A'th lwybrau di a rodiaf. O'th flaen di, Arglwydd, doed fy nghri, Dysg i mi ddeall d'eiriau; Gwared fi'n ol d'ymadrodd rhad, Dêl atad fy ngweddiau. Llewyrcha'th wyneb :: Llewyrcha d'ŵyneb o'm llygaid llifo wnant :: o'm golwg llifo a wnânt Na's cadwant :: Na chadwant
Tonau [MS 8787]:
gwelir: |
How dear, O Lord, to me, Thy law and thy covenant; And on these, from day to day, Shall be my whole meditation. Thou madest me, with thy wholesome commandments, Wiser than my enemies; Since with me in eternity, Shall be all thy commandments. I have not sought against thy judgements, Since thou hast led me in them; How sweet to me thy wholesome words, Than the honey sweeter they are. Thy word to my feet a lantern is, And a worthy gleam to my paths; I will swear, and fulfil I shall, I shall keep thy holy laws. I received a pure inheritance Forever henceforth thy commandments, Because it is they which are Joy to my heart. Shine thy face on thy servant, Teach me to savour thy laws; Tears from my eyes shall flow, They do not keep thy statutes. I cried with all my heart, O hear! And thy laws, God, I will keep; Upon thee I cried, save me! And thy paths I will walk. Before thee, Lord let my cry come, Teach me to understand thy words; Deliver me according to thy gracious report, To thee may my prayers come. :: from my eyes shall flow :: from my vision shall flow :: tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |
97 The love that to thy laws I bear no language can display; They with fresh wonders entertain my ravished thoughts all day. 98 Through thy commands I wiser grow than all my subtle foes; For thy sure word doth me direct, and all my ways dispose. 102 I have not from thy judgments strayed, by vain desires misled; For, Lord, thou hast instructed me thy righteous paths to tread. 103 How sweet are all thy words to me ! O what divine repast! How much more grateful to my soul than honey to my taste! 105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp, the way of truth to show; A watch-light to point out the path in which I ought to go. 106 I sware, (and from my solemn oath will never start aside,) That in thy righteous judgments I will steadfastly abide. 111 Thy testimonies I have made my heritage and choice; For they, when other comforts fail, my drooping heart rejoice. 145 With my whole heart to God I called, Lord, hear my earnest cry; And I thy statutes to perform will all my care apply. 146 Again more fervently I prayed, O save me, that I may Thy testimonies thoroughly know, and steadfastly obey. 169 To my request and earnest cry attend, O gracious Lord; Inspire my heart with heav'nly skill, according to thy word. 170 Let my repeated pray'r at last before thy throne appear; According to thy plighted word, for my relief draw near.
N Tate & N Brady |