Mor gu O Arglwydd genyf fi

1,2,3;  1,3,4,6,8;  1,3,4,5,6,7,8.
SALM 119 - Rhan III
Mor gu, O! Arglwydd, genyf fi,
  Dy ddeddf di a'th gyfammod;
Ac ar y rhai'n, o ddydd i ddydd,
  Y bydd fy holl fyfyrdod.

Gwnaethost fi,
    â'th orch'mynion iach,
  Yn ddoethach na'm gelynion;
Can's gyd â mi yn dragywydd,
  Y bydd dy holl orch'mynion.

Ni chiliais rhag dy farnau di,

  Can's ti a'm dysgaist ynddynt;

Mor beraidd genyf d'eiriau iach,

  Na'r mêl melusach ydynt.

Dy air i'm traed i llusern yw,

  A llewyrch gwiw i'm llwybrau;

Mi dyngais, a chyflawni wnaf,

  Y cadwaf dy lân ddeddfau.

Cym'rais yn etifeddiaeth lân
  Byth weithian dy orch'mynion,
O herwydd mai hwynthwy y sydd
  Lawenydd i fy nghalon.

Llewyrcha'th wyneb ar dy was,
  Dysg i mi flâs dy ddeddfau;
Dagrau o'm llygaid llifo wnant,
  Na's cadwant dy gyfreithiau.

Llefais â'm calon oll, O! clyw,
  A'th ddeddfau, Duw, a gadwaf;
Arnat y llefais, achub fi,
  A'th lwybrau di a rodiaf.

O'th flaen di, Arglwydd, doed fy nghri,

  Dysg i mi ddeall d'eiriau;

Gwared fi'n ol
    d'ymadrodd rhad,
  Dêl atad fy ngweddiau.

Ni chiliais rhag dy farnau di :: Rhag dy farnau ni chiliais i
Llewyrcha'th wyneb :: Llewyrcha d'ŵyneb
o'm llygaid llifo wnant :: o'm golwg llifo a wnânt
Na's cadwant :: Na chadwant

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Brynhyfryd (alaw Gymreig)
Dominus Regit Me (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Gwilym (Tom Price 1857-1925)
Paradwys (Rees Williams 1846-1934)
Prys (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Silesia (Salmydd I Clauderi 1630)

  Rhan I - Pa fodd O Dduw y ceidw llanc?
  Rhan II - A'th eiriau y bywheaist fi
  Rhan II - O'm genau na ddwg dy air gwir
  Dy air i'm trad i llusern yw
  Pob cyfryw ddyn y sydd a'i daith
  Ymddyrcha Dduw y nef uwchlaw

Psalm 119
How dear, O Lord, to me,
  Thy law and thy covenant;
And on these, from day to day,
  Shall be my whole meditation.

Thou madest me,
    with thy wholesome commandments,
  Wiser than my enemies;
Since with me in eternity,
  Shall be all thy commandments.

I have not sought against thy judgements,

  Since thou hast led me in them;

How sweet to me thy wholesome words,

  Than the honey sweeter they are.

Thy word to my feet a lantern is,

  And a worthy gleam to my paths;

I will swear, and fulfil I shall,

  I shall keep thy holy laws.

I received a pure inheritance
  Forever henceforth thy commandments,
Because it is they which are
  Joy to my heart.

Shine thy face on thy servant,
  Teach me to savour thy laws;
Tears from my eyes shall flow,
  They do not keep thy statutes.

I cried with all my heart, O hear!
  And thy laws, God, I will keep;
Upon thee I cried, save me!
  And thy paths I will walk.

Before thee, Lord let my cry come,

  Teach me to understand thy words;

Deliver me according to
    thy gracious report,
  To thee may my prayers come.

from my eyes shall flow :: from my vision shall flow

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

 97 The love that to thy laws I bear
      no language can display;
    They with fresh wonders entertain
      my ravished thoughts all day.

 98 Through thy commands
        I wiser grow
      than all my subtle foes;
    For thy sure word doth me direct,
      and all my ways dispose.

102 I have not from thy judgments strayed,
      by vain desires misled;
    For, Lord, thou hast instructed me
      thy righteous paths to tread.

103 How sweet are all thy words to me !
      O what divine repast!
    How much more grateful to my soul
      than honey to my taste!

105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp,
      the way of truth to show;
    A watch-light to point out the path
      in which I ought to go.

106 I sware, (and from my solemn oath
      will never start aside,)
    That in thy righteous judgments I
      will steadfastly abide.

111 Thy testimonies I have made
      my heritage and choice;
    For they, when other comforts fail,
      my drooping heart rejoice.

145 With my whole heart to God I called,
      Lord, hear my earnest cry;
    And I thy statutes to perform
      will all my care apply.

146 Again more fervently I prayed,
      O save me, that I may
    Thy testimonies thoroughly know,
      and steadfastly obey.

169 To my request and earnest cry
      attend, O gracious Lord;
    Inspire my heart with heav'nly skill,
      according to thy word.

170 Let my repeated pray'r at last
      before thy throne appear;
    According to thy plighted word,
      for my relief draw near.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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